AGRISYNCRO brings real value to your company

The top benefits, expressed in a way that anyone can understand.

  • Automation

    Why would you waste your time day by day on such repetitive tasks that can be automated flawlessly by a system? Through automation, you can save the most money and time, while simplifying management tasks as well.

    You no longer need to manually manage Excel sheets, which is not only time-consuming but likely only a very narrow circle within the company knows how your sophisticated Excel macros work.

  • Precise process tracking

    No need to play Sherlock Holmes within the company if you want to know the status of orders.

    For any job order, sales order or purchase order, you can instantly determine its status and which phase it is in. You don't have to wait for an employee to report this to you; the information will be right in front of you in real-time.

  • Error prevention

    Don't watch idly and let your company pay twice for recurring errors while your customers also become alienated.

    A precisely configured system can anticipate situations that could lead to problems. You won't be late with product deliveries, run out of inventory at a critical moment, or have your employees forget to provide essential data for an order. The system will always alert you if something is missing.

  • Efficiency tracking

    Don't watch idly as inefficient resource management hinders your company's growth.

    There are many aspects to increasing efficiency, depending on which areas you want to measure efficiency. Is it taking too much time to manually input online orders or manage sales reps' orders? Are you handling tasks in separate, non-integrated systems? Do you want to know how quickly an item is produced?

    Measurement is the foundation of all this. First, you need to measure how long it takes to complete a task (let the system monitor it), and then you will understand what improvements must be made.

  • More accounting automation

    Doing the books might sound like a necessary evil for many farming business owners. But this is true only for those who manually do most of the accounting work. You don’t have to be one of those!

    While AGRISYNCRO tracks all the accounting information – accounts receivable (AR) and accounts payable (AP) – it also transfers this information to QuickBooks automatically. Those who issue tens of invoices a day can truly appreciate this sort of automation. The hours saved are substantial.

  • Automated and transparent B2B communication

    Avoid unnecessary B2B communication, as automation not only replaces the time-consuming back-and-forth but also increases customer satisfaction.

    If you're in the B2B sector, you know that it works differently than the retail segment. While personal communication is emphasized in the retail segment, in B2B, it's the quality of service that matters most.
    With a B2B partner, you don't need to build trust with every single transaction; it's more about the clarity and speed of service.

    The driving force behind this is automated communication, which we
    have implemented through the AGRISYNCRO Customer Portal. While we've highlighted the communication aspect, it's actually a platform where the order management process is customized. Customers can submit orders without any questions, and in your back-office system, it will be
    crystal clear what needs to be done without the need for further communication.

    We enhance this by synchronizing every step, from order status to fulfillment and invoicing, transparently on the portal, so the customer can see it in real-time. All of this is nothing but communication
    automated by the system. What do you gain from it? Primarily, a lot of time saved, secondly, transparency and satisfied customers.

  • Accurate inventory tracking

    Why would you waste your time day by day on such repetitive tasks that can be automated flawlessly by a system? Through automation, you can save the most money and time, while simplifying management tasks as well.

    From now on, you know precisely what you received from your suppliers and what happened to it later: whether you sold it, added it to a job order, consigned it out, or if it has been sitting there for too long. You will also know who carried out these inventory movements.

  • Quick invoicing

    Don't waste time collecting invoice data from various sources; just rely on
    the system. It's just three clicks for the entire process.

    The system compiles what needs to be included in an invoice for you, whether it's items, services, discounts, or taxes. You save time because you don't have to search for the information yourself; click, click, and done. Print it or email it – do it as it is more convenient for you and for your customers.

  • Real-time reports

    Don't make uninformed decisions, as bad decisions always cost you a lot of money.

    Running a company involves a series of decision-making situations. Typically, companies that advance rapidly are those that make decisions based on fast and accurate data. To achieve this, working with real-time reports is essential.

    In smaller companies, decisions can be made based on intuition and estimates, but as the company grows, these estimates increasingly deviate from reality. Therefore, real-time reports will become one of the company's 'invisible' fuels, not to mention you won't waste money unnecessarily.

  • Automated online order management

    Don't throw money away and waste resources to manually input orders into the back-office system; your employees' time is more valuable than this, and there are much better methods for it.

    The new times have brought new challenges to farming companies. As online sales have increased, both in B2C and B2B, there is a growing demand for the online platform to work in sync with the back-office system.

    It's almost impossible to maintain a situation where every order has to be manually transferred from one system to another. Paying an employee to do this work day in and day out is equivalent to throwing money away. This is where a good integration comes in to solve the problem.

  • Integrated platform: Production workflows, wholesale, and retail

    Manage everything in one system to save money and avoid the hassle of working with 2-3 different software applications that often don't communicate with each other.

    It's now a common practice in the farming industry for activities to overlap. Retailers also manufacture in their shops, manufacturers engage in retail (online), and wholesalers take on custom orders, so most companies have a mixed profile.

    The challenge here is that there are many segmented systems in the
    farmer market, but most offer partial solutions, as they may be too tailored to the retail segment or wholesale management alone. The advantage of AGRISYNCRO is that it can handle all segments in one system, simultaneously serving both B2C and B2B clients. One database rules them all.

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about how AGRISYNCO farming software can help your company.